Training is back on (again)

After the end of the national lockdown on Dec 2nd, the RFU moved to "stage E" on the return to rugby roadmap. This means we are now able to start training again! It also means we can start preparing for fixtures with some adapted rules:

Clubs will be able to begin adapted training from Wednesday 2 December, in preparation for local friendly fixtures recommencing from Friday 18 December, when the new law variations will come into effect.

A video explanation on the new laws can be found here.

Read the full advice from the RFU here.

This is great news. As a club we are still evaluating whether we are ready for a match so soon, due to absences and a very uneven training run up. We expect we will probably arrange our first fixture after Christmas but this is not yet confirmed.

If you're a player, get information on our training sessions here

If you're a local club looking for a friendly match, get in touch.